About Us

Portraito Magazine is devoted to the art of portrait photography. Created by photographers, for photographers, we are here to not only promote the artist, but to create a platform where creators connect, share their wisdom, and build a community that elevates our art together.

Every month we release an issue that showcases portraiture from artists at every experience level from around the world. The issue not only focuses their work, but also the behind the scenes structure that went into the shoot. You’ll learn what went into each photo's lighting setup, camera info, talent participation, and more.

Portraiture explores more than the photo, but the work that goes into creating it. From the community and inspirations that guide them to the structure of the shoot to the shots themselves, Portraito captures every moment in the photographer’s creative journey.

To that end, we are also planning on releasing a Portraito Black Book, an end-of-year issue where we celebrate the featured artists throughout the year; the paths that led them to Portraiture and beyond.

Our Mission

The Community: Our goal first and foremost is to build a community. We know well the struggle that comes with solo work. Portraiture aims to support and streamline the discovery and communication of its ever increasing membership and help promote collaborative works. The wider our lens, the greater our exposure.

The Shoot: Our secondary goal is to educate on the very act of photography, the shoots. We provide resources through which artists can share their knowledge. Learn about composition, lighting, connecting with talent, locating spaces; all the complexities that go into the shoot.

The Shots: Our end goal is simply to make great art. You want to take great photographs. We want to showcase the talents of dedicated creatives. This is the magazine, the realization of our combined effort, a portrait of our community as seen through our work.


The focus of portrait photography is the subject. For Portraito, the subject is the photographer.

We turn the lens on the photographer by examining not only their body of work, but the work that goes into making of.

We want to be the spark that pushes artists to go out of their comfort zone and create unique works only they can.

We want to be there when they need help by always having a team of artists that understand their struggles.